Step 1: From Automation to Robotics

Step 1: From Automation to Robotics

I have been a consultant and manufacturer of Process Automation solutions (PA)  since 2008. During the first few years we have evolved the technology to the limits of what the concept of process automation was capable of covering. Process automation attempts to “capture” existing applications on a computer and interpret the returned data by these applications for information processing.

from automation to robotics

In other words, it was a hacker who used all sorts of tricks to control those applications, and then I put on the consultant tie and we counted on how we could save millions to a client joining its prehistoric accounting system with its modern CRM thanks to our “connectors”.

Magic, they sold magic, in this case mine. A business so difficult that there was only another company in the world, specifically from Israel, with which to compete. This perspective reached an initial percentage of compatibility that today we understand as low, and I say initial because then came the “magic.” Do not forget that there are tools that do not have a “wizard” behind and go the path marked by an API “standard”  like Windows, for us it has a ridiculous compatibility percentage, so if someone sells you one, I recommend that you say no, even if it appears in Gartner, and you call us

To solve these problems the concept that we lacked, came to mind: artificial intelligence. The idea was to evolve these robots to an expert system: a robot capable of recognizing the applications and their computer screen components , able to learn and adapt itself to certain changes thanks to “sensors” that provide information about their environment

Our idea was to add the R. to the PA, Robotic Process Automation and so we baptized the robot, RPA . Compatible with everything it has encountered, and able to adapt to changes in graphical interfaces. Our “r” stands for Artificial Intelligence, the piece that needs every mechanical arm to be promoted to robot.

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