According to the international organization IRPA (Institute for Robotic Process Automation) the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) would be «the technology that allows you to configure a software or a “robot” to manage and interpret existing application and be able to process a transaction», manipulate data , trigger responses and communicate with other digital systems, that´s why our company has created RPAware.
For us this definition, as well as complex, seems a bit obsolete and incomplete. Therefore, we allow ourselves to add to the initial definition of IRPA the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI), allowing it to fit to different circumstances and make decisions about the production line, allowing more complex, more automated, safer operations with higher compatibility with clients systems, and cheaper than the old PA.
Better explained, for us the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the application of Artificial Intelligence, and a set of technological elements to perform in the same way that a person in his work place would, repetitive tasks that belong to a defined process with all the advantages derived from it: such as savings, accuracy, optimization, compatibility, security, data, etc.
In other words, automation of processes by Robots (RPA) is the creation of a “virtual worker or Robot” working with one or more applications in the same way a person processes a transaction today or complete a process.
Once the software of our exclusive RPAware has been “trained” in a particular process, it can make transactions, automating tasks, manipulate data, launch actions to certain requests, communicate several systems if necessary, and a long etc. of process. All these robotized activities of the organization are under an exhaustive control of robots, providing security and a highly flexible response capability.
RPAware is an own development complete tool. It is a complete suite that will allow us to implement RPA solutions as complex and specific as they could be.
As a proprietary software, we can perform any kind of customization of the solution according to the needs of our customers, adapting to all possible casuistry of the market. In addition, our customers benefit from continuous improvements derived from each project, and our continued investment in I+d+i.
RPAware consist of:
Robot Cartes is the Robot that was born after years of experience automating processes. The main features that make it a unique Robot on the market are the following:
RPAware Server is the server that controls the logic and consistency of Robots Cartes. It allows communication between the Robot and RPA Control, combining this capability with workload balancement, and the behavior of the swarm of Robot Cartes. Abilities that inherently generate a high disponibility enviroment.
Tool that allows the robot developments. Thanks to RPAware Pro we can train the Robot Cartes in the use of new applications which allows to make modifications easily when the environment has changed. The programmer can create libraries to be reused, which allows greater efficiency and agility when developing and updating the robotized process
RPAware was born from the need of having under a strict control the operation of the Robots, in individual mode or in swarm mode. The control is oriented in managing processes schedules, execution priorities , remote monitoring of each robot, the assignment of tasks and a variety of reports that allow to extract all the information generated by the processes and by the Robots. Even allowing to remotly connect to a Windows session of a Robot Cartes.
With RPAware C-Server you can create and maintain multiple Windows remote desktop sessions on your own machine or on other machines. A feature that allows you to maintain as many Robot Cartes on a Windows Server as the number of remote desktop connections the machine supports.